Welcome to my blog for my A2 Media Studies coursework. With Hayley Pitcher, we have planned and created a 5 minute pyschological thriller entitled 'Mind Trap', which focuses on the life of Lucy, a teenager suffering from schizophrenia. As well as this, we have created two anciliary products; an audio advert that would be fit to broadcast on the radio and a poster to advertise our film to our demographic.

Note: all images in posts can be seen in a full-sized version by clicking on them.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

23rd Fedruary 2011

After finishing our poster some time ago, we have shown it to various people and asked what they thought of it. While they said that the composition of the shot was excellent and the use of Photoshop was both appropriate and well-done, most of them said that the title of the film needed to be bigger and needed to stand out more.
With this advice in mind, I spent a night on Photoshop, downloading suitable fonts (we are not allowed to download fonts on the school computers, which meant that we had to use the default fonts) until I found a font that looked good on the poster.
Here is the final poster:

Although we didn't change much, the poster now looks much more professional and the font that I chose aptly conveys the jumbled mess that is Lucy's mental state. It is rare that a film poster uses a stock font, so it was important that we changed it to make it look better. Both Hayley and I are happy with this draft of the poster, so I don't think that we will be doing anything more to it. Instead, we will focus on getting audience feedback on the film and finishing the final cut before the deadline.