Welcome to my blog for my A2 Media Studies coursework. With Hayley Pitcher, we have planned and created a 5 minute pyschological thriller entitled 'Mind Trap', which focuses on the life of Lucy, a teenager suffering from schizophrenia. As well as this, we have created two anciliary products; an audio advert that would be fit to broadcast on the radio and a poster to advertise our film to our demographic.

Note: all images in posts can be seen in a full-sized version by clicking on them.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

12th January 2011

Again, we concentrated on the first edit of our film. So far, we are finding Final Cut Press ok, but it is quite a pedantic program and it can be a little frustrating at times.

Below is a list of the things that need to be done:
- Finish first scene
- Finish second scene
- Finish third scene
- Finish fourth scene
- Do End credits
- Find music for end credits (copyrighting is an issue)
- Make hallucinations black and white - Make Lucas' voice more spooky (experiment with sound FX on FCP)
- Make Roxanne’s voice sound like a phone call (experiment with sound FX on FCP)
- Tighten up editing
- Figure out how to fade black and white into colour when Lucy answers the phone
- Dub a phone ringing over Lucy's ringtone?
- Do fade transitions
- Sort out sound (delete sound where we don’t need it, make sure sound is in sync with footage)
- Export and audience feedback (film audience feedback)