Welcome to my blog for my A2 Media Studies coursework. With Hayley Pitcher, we have planned and created a 5 minute pyschological thriller entitled 'Mind Trap', which focuses on the life of Lucy, a teenager suffering from schizophrenia. As well as this, we have created two anciliary products; an audio advert that would be fit to broadcast on the radio and a poster to advertise our film to our demographic.

Note: all images in posts can be seen in a full-sized version by clicking on them.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

8th December 2010

We decided to have a final go at our photos for the poster, and these ones turned out well. Again, we decided to do exterior shots, considering the fact that most of the film is shot outside. We didn't think that using the same costume and location as in the poster was important and the exterior of the photo isn't that important, and most of the time on film posters, the costume isn't the same as it is in the actual film. Despite this, we decided to use a costume that was similar to create the same dark and hostile vibe as the film.
Below is a link to the album: http://s1143.photobucket.com/albums/n621/rosies13/Mind%20Trap%20-%20Poster%20Shoot%203/