Welcome to my blog for my A2 Media Studies coursework. With Hayley Pitcher, we have planned and created a 5 minute pyschological thriller entitled 'Mind Trap', which focuses on the life of Lucy, a teenager suffering from schizophrenia. As well as this, we have created two anciliary products; an audio advert that would be fit to broadcast on the radio and a poster to advertise our film to our demographic.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

29th September 2010

This week, we looked at some short films on YouTube that explored the same topic as our film. The following 3 films are the ones we liked and we felt that we could take inspiration from:

Film 1 - Schizophrenia Short Film

In this film, black and white is used to determine between hallucination and reality. We thought that this was a good idea because it makes it easier for the audience to understand the plot and it will give the film a more sinister and Film Noir-esque look to it.
We also liked the way that the audience is able to see the hallucinations. This makes it easier for the audience to put themselves into the shoes of a schizophrenic person. Also, we liked the way that the suspected bad people in the film were dressed in dark clothing. We aim to use this idea to make the hallucinations look more menacing and sinister.

Film 2- Schizophrenia: A Short Film

We both thought that this film was very emotive. The narrative was very sad, and it was portrayed well in the film. We also liked the actor that was used; he was able to pull off the erratic behaviour that often comes with having Schitzophrenia. However, we think that the weakness of the film is the fact that, although you can hear the voice of the hallucination, you can't see it. We thought that this was a disappointment because the director could have had a lot of fun playing with the different shots and making the narrative more effective.

Film 3 - Paranoid Schizophrenic

In this film, the use of low-key lighting is very effective. Although it is somewhat hard to see what is going on, it is a very good way of conveying a dark, sinister atmosphere. We also liked the idea of the fact that is has a very short plot, which means that it is not complicated and therefore doesn't drag out. However, we thought the ending was a little boring and predictable, but it was shot effectively and the smile at the end made the ending sinister and creepy.

From researching into these short films, we have learnt that there are a lot stereotypes of a psychological thriller that need to be avoided so it doesn't become predictable and clichéd.